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XJD Girls Bike for Toddlers 6-9 Years Old Kids, 16 Inch Kids Bike with Training Wheels, Streamers, Basket and Doll Seat, Children Bicycles with Handbrake

XJD Girls Bike for Toddlers 6-9 Years Old Kids, 16 Inch Kids Bike with Training Wheels, Streamers, Basket and Doll Seat, Children Bicycles with Handbrake

通常価格 $199.99
通常価格 セール価格 $199.99
セール 売り切れ
XJD Girls' Bicycle is the perfect choice for learning to ride and having fun. It's ideal for trips to the park or riding with friends and family on local sidewalks.

Comes with a basket and a bicycle doll seat
High-strength frame suitable for long rides
85% pre-assembled, with easy installation
Full chain cover to prevent injuries and dirt
Rear disc brake for ensured stopping power
Removable training wheels to support balance

Available sizes: 12/14/16 inches
12-inch bike fits girls aged 3-6 (32-38 inches)
14-inch bike fits girls aged 4-8 (35-43 inches)
16-inch bike fits girls aged 6-9 (40-51 inches)
Colors: Blue/Pink/Purple/Peach
  • Perfect Fit for Every Child: Available in 12-inch (3-6 years, 32-38 inches), 14-inch (4-8 years, 35-43 inches), and 16-inch (6-9 years, 40-51 inches) sizes. Please refer to our size chart based on your child's height to find the ideal XJD children's bike. The seat and handlebar height are adjustable for easy pedaling. The soft seat makes riding more comfortable. This bike is perfect for riding to the park or on nearby sidewalks.
  • Designed for Kids: The sturdy Hi-Ten steel frame and fork can easily withstand multiple bumps while learning to balance. Amazingly, the bike's wheels are robust and durable, wrapped with rubber off-road tires that maintain excellent traction and stability in any weather conditions. This entry-level children's bike helps children learn balance and pedaling while maintaining their independence.
  • Safety for Young Riders: The handbrake provides amazing stopping power when needed, allowing them to be fully in control, making it the best choice for young riders. The enclosed chain guard prevents injuries. Removable training wheels keep children on the right path until they are ready to balance independently.
  • Your Child Will Love It: The single-speed drive system and smaller grip design make it easy for her to learn and feel comfortable on the wheels. This girls' bike comes with a beautiful basket and shiny ribbons, adding more fun for your little thrill-seeker, allowing her to pedal out speed in an instant.
  • Easy Assembly: The XJD children's bicycle is 85% professionally pre-assembled, with a detailed instruction manual and required auxiliary tools in the box.

