Toddler Balance Bike, Kids No Pedal Training Bicycle, Lightweight Toddler Bike Age 1-5 Years Old Boys Girls
Toddler Balance Bike, Kids No Pedal Training Bicycle, Lightweight Toddler Bike Age 1-5 Years Old Boys Girls
KORIMEFA toddler balance bike is safe and easy for baby to learn walk and ride at an early age. This is the perfect first bike for any child that is ready to start riding.
This children's balance bike has no pedals and training wheels. It is a traditional push balance bike that allows babies to learn and master balance faster. This toddler bike features specifically adjustable handlebar and seat height.
The lightweight, pedal-less design allows children to straddle the bike with both feet on the ground and easily propel the bike by walking or running.
Material: Carbon Steel + Plastic + EVA
Size: 34.32 x 20.28 x 10.92 inches
RECOMMENDED AGES: 18 months to 5 years
Color: White/Pink/Black
Package Includes:
1 set of Children's Balance Bike
KORIMEFA toddler balance bike is safe and easy for baby to learn walk and ride at an early age. This is the perfect first bike for any child that is ready to start riding.
This children's balance bike has no pedals and training wheels. It is a traditional push balance bike that allows babies to learn and master balance faster. This toddler bike features specifically adjustable handlebar and seat height.
The lightweight, pedal-less design allows children to straddle the bike with both feet on the ground and easily propel the bike by walking or running.
Material: Carbon Steel + Plastic + EVA
Size: 34.32 x 20.28 x 10.92 inches
RECOMMENDED AGES: 18 months to 5 years
Color: White/Pink/Black
Package Includes:
1 set of Children's Balance Bike