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1XJD Baby Walker Balance bicycles with 4 Wheels First Bike for 1 Year Old Toddler

1XJD Baby Walker Balance bicycles with 4 Wheels First Bike for 1 Year Old Toddler

通常価格 $129.97
通常価格 $178.00 セール価格 $129.97
セール 売り切れ
Recommended ages for 12-36 months. The infant balance bike is the best birthday gift for toddlers to learn walking and riding. It helps to develop babies' balance, steering, coordination, and gain confidence at an early age.

No pedal and fully widened closed wheel to avoid clamping baby's feet
135 ° turning limit and gravity steering without leaving the ground to prevent the baby from turning over
The mini balance bike equips sturdy aluminum alloy frame, non-slip TPU handle, and a softly supportive seat
With only 1.79kg (3.96 pounds) of weight, both you and your children can easily carry it around to play

Package Includes:
1X Balance Bike
1X Instruction

